Instantly Validate Emails
& improve your deliverability rates

Stop bad email addresses before they enter your list with Real-Time Email Verification. Our system instantly checks the validity of each email as it’s entered on your website, sign-up form, or app. This proactive approach ensures only valid, active email addresses are collected, reducing the need for future list cleaning and protecting your email marketing campaigns from bounces and low engagement. By verifying emails in real time, you safeguard your sender reputation and increase the deliverability of your messages from the start.

Instantly Validate Emails
& improve your deliverability rates

Stop bad email addresses before they enter your list with Real-Time Email Verification. Our system instantly checks the validity of each email as it’s entered on your website, sign-up form, or app. This proactive approach ensures only valid, active email addresses are collected, reducing the need for future list cleaning and protecting your email marketing campaigns from bounces and low engagement. By verifying emails in real time, you safeguard your sender reputation and increase the deliverability of your messages from the start.

Why Real-Time Email Verification is Essential

Capturing invalid or fake email addresses can lead to a host of issues, including wasted marketing efforts, higher bounce rates, and damage to your sender reputation. With real-time verification, you prevent these problems from happening. As soon as an email is entered, our system checks for syntax errors, domain validity, and the ability to receive mail, giving you instant feedback on whether the email is legitimate. This means only valid emails make it onto your list, helping you build a more reliable and engaged audience from day one.

Seamless Integration Across Platforms

Our real-time email verification API easily integrates with your sign-up forms, eCommerce checkout pages, CRMs, and other systems. Whether you’re collecting emails through a website, mobile app, or custom-built platform, our service ensures you capture only valid, reliable emails. With real-time verification in place, you can focus on growing your business without worrying about bad data.

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Website Sign-Up Forms

Easily integrate our real-time email verification API into your website’s sign-up forms. Whether users are registering for a newsletter, creating an account, or filling out a contact form, the system verifies emails as they’re entered.


E-Commerce Checkout Pages

For eCommerce sites, collecting accurate email addresses at checkout is crucial for order confirmations, shipping updates, and marketing follow-ups.


CRM Systems

Keep your Customer Relationship Management data clean by verifying email addresses in real-time as they’re added by users or team members.


How We Work

  • Immediate Syntax Check
    As soon as an email is entered, we verify that it follows proper formatting and structure.
  • Domain and MX Record Validation

    We check if the domain exists and whether its Mail Exchange (MX) records are configured to receive emails.

  • Risk Detection

    We flag any potentially harmful or temporary email addresses, such as disposable and role-based emails.

Benefits of Real-Time Email Verification

Section Description

Reduce Bounce Rates


Ensure only valid emails enter your database, minimizing the number of undeliverable addresses in your list.

Cost Efficiency


Reduce the time and cost associated with cleaning lists and managing bounces by verifying emails as they’re collected.

Improve Engagement


By collecting accurate and active email addresses, you’ll increase the likelihood of your emails reaching real users who engage with your content.

Protect Sender Reputation


Sending emails to invalid addresses can harm your domain’s reputation. Real-time verification helps you avoid this by blocking problematic emails upfront.

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